Executive Creative Director / Copywriter / Photographer

Safe Mistake Zone

Safe Mistake Zone

Challenge: Reframe the issue of home fire safety from "Something that will never happen to me" to "Something I should be mindful of at all times."

Insight: Most Victorian home fires aren't caused by big dramatic explosions or even bushfires.
They're caused by small mistakes that could've been avoided. 

Idea: Give people a safe place to get mistakes out of their systems where they won't cause a home fire.


Tailored social content-driven PR: Tailored 'Safe Mistake Selfies' have been sent to journalists and celebrities all over Victoria allowing them to make a #safemistake on twitter, facebook and instagram by sharing a photo that makes them look silly. Our strategy earned us over 1.2 million twitter impressions in one day alone, helping the home fire safety message reach more people than ever before.

Fireman Caleb from Big Brother even jumped onboard, volunteering to share a SafeMistakeZone video on his personal feed. In just a week, the video earned 38,000 views organically.  

Community discourse: The campaign's unexpected approach has already generated an unprecedented level of PR for Victorian home fire safety. A discussion on ABC Radio 774 for example involved members of the community discussing their fun #safemistake ideas and unsafe mistake home fire anecdotes for a huge 14 minutes. Below is a grab from the station's coverage. 

Outdoor: Posters help people make #safemistakes across multiple channels.

Social: Immersive, integrated comms guide Victorians seamlessly between multiple platforms at a time.

For example, one outdoor poster leads passers-by to make a #safemistake by signing up for annoying telemarketing. Upon donating their personal details (online and offline), the public are contacted and encouraged to follow the campaign on Snapchat and Facebook in order to make further #safemistakes.

Once followed, our social channels than give Victorians ongoing opportunities to make fun, highly social #safemistakes such as the one shown below instead of unsafe mistakes at home that cause fires.

Follow on: The campaign is still live in regional areas but already its effectiveness story has earned it interest amongst other Governmental departments, researchers and educators alike. We've also begun sharing our findings with students at Monash University, (inventors of the airbag and other life saving devices) in the hope of inspiring tomorrow's inventors, marketers and leaders to tackle the home fire safety issue themselves.